First National Foundation
Building Stronger Communities

First National Real Estate offices are closely involved with every community they are a part of. First National Foundation - the philanthropic arm of First National Real Estate - was founded to consolidate the network's fundraising efforts and strengthen local communities.

Every year, First National members raise hundreds of thousands of dollars to help their local communities in times of natural disasters - money for schools, community building, healthcare, local sporting organisations - as well as when it's smooth sailing.

Supporting Australia's Youth

The First National Foundation is proud to support Kids Helpline, Australia's only free, private and confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.

Every 90 seconds, someone's son or daughter, grandchild, niece, nephew, neighbour or friend contacts Kids Helpline via its free call number or online services.

By supporting Kids Helpline with financial assistance and raising awareness, we hope to help the organisation become stronger and better known across Australia.

We Support Local
Nationally, First National Foundation partners with charities to raise funds and help communities in crisis and those in need.

Locally, we support and sponsor the Albury Wodonga, Beechworth, and Thurgoona communities every day. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to support many local community events, sports clubs and charities that have profound impact on our local community.

You'll often find our Director, William Bonnici, as an MC and auctioneering for various community events. He also loves getting on stage and having a sing! - having been involved with Albury Carols by Candlelight since 2004.